Thursday, 24 May 2012

Film The Raid Masuk 5 Besar Box Office Inggris Raya


Kabar gembira dan membanggakan datang dari dunia perfilman tanah air.Film garapan Sutradara asal inggris Gareth Evans The Raid mampu bertengger di urutan 5 box office Inggris Raya pada pekan pertama pemutannya di sana.The Raid sendiri menurut majalah Female First tayang di 280 bioskop di Inggris dan Irlandia.Film ini juga di putar secara khusus di 12 bioskop di Wales."Surprise banget di luar dugaan. Setelah masuk peringkat 11 di AS sekarang lima besar di Inggris. Apalagi itu kan film asing dengan subtitle. Nggak menyangka," ujar Ario seperti di kutip oleh salah satu situs lokal Indonesia pada kamis 24 Mei 2012. Seperti telah diberitakan oleh situs asal inggris,The raid mampu melesat ke posisi lima box office Inggris Raya dengan mendapatkan pendapatan sebesar £438 atau setara dengan Rp.6,4 miliar.Film yang memamerkan seni bela diri tradisional pencak silat ini hanya kalah dari film The Dictator,The Avengers,Dark Shadows,dan American Pie:Reunion.The Raid juga mendapat pujian melalui akun facebook The Raid UK dan berbagai media Inggris berikut komentar-komentarnya:

1.Gritty, {Very} hard~hitting, doesn't let up, and some of the best fight scenes you will EVER see. The Asian's stomp a mudhole and stomp, stamp, slash, stab and shoot the sumbitch dry! 

Only one small criticism is that they shouldn't have cut the camera away on a couple'a shots in the movie. Was most likely done for effect, given the amount of visceral violence that IS in the movie, but like to see it ALL, personally. Well worth the price of admission. ;o) \nn/

2.saw "The Raid", last night, what a fab action flick. Really enjoyed all the kick ass fight sequences which made the film as did the stars....................

3.Well The Raid UK has to be one of the most brutal but most awesome martial arts films I've ever experienced haha had an awesome time with Ryan Green and Nick 'chubs' Smailes :)

4.Awsome enjoyed the fight choreagraphy and good story definenatly worth i

5.Just been to see The Raid UK...................holy shit I need a day off to recover!!!! fucking awesome. Faultless camera work with flawless choreography!! 5/5. Go see out it WITHOUT the missus!

6.“This violent, intense and brilliant bulletfest from Indonesia puts western action movies to shame,”  The Guardian.
Surat Kabar Inggris

7.“The Raid is a movie that you should miss at your peril as it is one of the best action movies that I have seen in a long time.” majalah Female First dari inggris memberikan rating 5/5.

8."This is the first time ever Ive given a film a ten before id seen it and it has exceeded my expectations. Bring on the sequel (not the remake!)," 

Dan masih banyak lagi pujian dari.Fanbase ini.Fanbase The Raid UK disukai sekitar 9000 akun di Inggris Raya.Bagaimana?Bangga kan jadi orang Indonesia.


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